
Showing posts from 2016

A new week, worth starting with a. New inspiration From John Mason's, Know Your Limits, Then Ignore Them

You can't make wrong work. Everything you add to the truth, you inevitably subtract from it. It's discouraging to think that people nowadays are more shocked by honesty than by deceit. We punish ourselves with every lie and reward ourselves with every right action. A lie will add to your troubles, subtract from your energy, multiply your difficulties and divide your effectiveness. "Truth is always strong, no matter how weak it looks, and falsehood is weak no matter how strong it looks " (Marcus Antonius). Never view anything positively that makes you break your word. The book of Proverbs says it best: "Dishonest gain will never last, so why take the risk?" Truth exists. Only lies are created. Truth shines in the darkness. As scarce as the truth is, the supply has always been in excess of the demand. Wrong is wrong no matter who does it or says it. Truth does not cease to exist because it is ignored, and it doesn't change depending on whether it is b


Thank you, Lord, for Your wisdom in Proverbs. I am forever appreciative of the life-giving instruction and understanding this precious book brings to me. I know You want it to be an indispensable part of my life so I ask You to help me hear Your words today. As I do, I will increase in learning.   Help me remember my mother and father's wise words. Lead me to receive wise advice and have an appropriate reverence for You in my life. When I do, You will entrust supernatural information to me. Help me avoid being foolish by rejecting Your wisdom and instruction.   Open my eyes to see when sinners cross my path simply to tempt me. If that happens, I choose to immediately take a stand and say no. When they talk persuasively and promise all kinds of success to me, I trust You will stand by me in opposition to them. I don't want to become one of them. Direct my steps and keep me far away from these harmful associations. Keep my feet from heading in the wrong direction.   Lord, a